Quick and effective setting of the air conditioning in the car

The functions of the air conditioning control panel include maintaining the optimal temperature in the car, automatic adaptation to changes in the temperature in the cabin, changing the humidity level inside the car, cleaning the air in the passenger compartment by passing air through the cabin filter. If the air outside the car is contaminated, for example, you are following a car that blows exhaust fumes from the exhaust pipe, the air conditioning can use recirculated air in the passenger compartment. In some modifications, it is possible to maintain the microclimate in certain areas of the car interior.

Replacing the air conditioning control panel does not have to be expensive

If your car is equipped with an air conditioning control system, you must be prepared for increased fuel consumption. In summer, this is due to the operation of an additional air conditioning compressor, which is driven by the timing drive. In order to maintain a constant air temperature in the cabin, the engine must be constantly running. Only in this case will the refrigerant circulate through the heat exchanger of the air conditioner. Keep all windows in the car closed for the heating or air conditioning to work efficiently. In this case, all fresh air will enter the machine through the cabin filter.

By default, this system is single-zone. This means that the flow passes through the deflectors installed on the front panel. In this case, the air in the cabin will be distributed from front to rear. This option is practical when traveling with one passenger. If several people travel in the car, we can choose a two-zone, three-zone or four-zone system.

A car equipped with automatic air conditioning control will have a separate panel with a small screen on which the temperature level will be displayed. This option is automatically equipped with air conditioning. If the control panel needs to be replaced, we can buy a used one at a low price from Air-conditioning – air flow controller . The aftermarket responds to customer repair needs by offering affordable and high-quality alternatives to OEM parts. Often an aftermarket component turns out to be the smarter choice as well as cheaper.